So instead I'll show you some images from Jumpgate Evolution and Warmonger for now. I am very proud of the accomplishments these small teams have made on re vamping our original Jumpgate project and developing a new physics based fps.
Below is an image that can be found on the JE web page but in case you all don't want to follow the links I'll post one here.

Below is a screen grab from Warmonger; Downtown Destruction. One thing to note in this game that does not show well in screen shots; it’s a fully destructible environment with a lot of “real” physics built in i.e. dust, embers and cloth (flags blow in the wind and react to other geometry in the scene accordingly).
Along with procedural destruction (each explosion has physical debris that is different each time a wall is destroyed). This was a huge hurdle for all the team members involved, Art, Design and Code. Its also something that not many other companies have accomplished.

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